The Mind Your Body Show is a weekly show, hosted by Certified culinary nutritionist, TV guest expert and author Trudy Stone, where you’ll learn how to get your mind right so that your body will follow. After self hacking her mind and body to lose 30lbs, she now helps busy overwhelmed women use stress as their superpower so that they can RISE above it and become more calm, resilient and physically fit. Each week not only will you learn nutrition & stress management habits, you’ll also learn about the power of food to enhance your mental and physical wellbeing and how to overcome your battles with living a healthier lifestyle. For more nutrition tips and recipes head over to
Monday May 18, 2020
8. Why You’ve Failed at Dieting and What to Do Instead
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
I’m sure you’re just like me who’s been through numerous diet attempts but end up being a “failure” at it. Trust me, it took years to finally get myself into sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
A number of us have failed in our diets and seem to be discouraged about our efforts. But it’s not exactly the food that’s weighing us down initially, it’s the negative self-talk.
Negative self-talk is the inner voice in your mind that repeats a subtle yet demeaning running commentary. “Neurons that fire together, wire together.”
I’ll guide you through on how to become successful in losing weight and maintaining it. Turn your thoughts into a habit and get brain plasticity in action.
- [3:40] Life is images of the mind expressed. Without images, there is no expression.
- [4:41] I wanted to feel confident in my body and rocking a bikini. It wasn’t about being skinny or being a certain size. It was about being confident and feeling confident.
- [5:15] Understanding why all of your choices with food are built on your identity as an eater. What does your identity say about you? Could your identity be holding you back from your health goals?
- [5:36] To change your behaviour, and your health for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself. Your current habits, especially the bad ones, are how you manifest your identity.
- [5:57] The more that you repeat that behaviour, the more you reinforce the personality associated with that behaviour.
- [6:20] You can change your identity in two steps.
- [7:45] Start doing even one small thing that will move you into the direction of your goals in becoming that person that you want to be.
- [10:11] You’re not paying attention to your negative self-talk.
- [12:01] It will be hard to change your habits if you never change the underlying beliefs that led to your past behaviours.
- [15:15] Why popular diet programs don’t work for lasting weight loss... Very few people experience sustained weight loss with that method.
- [15:55] It’s also equally important to avoid eating too little or starving yourself because that can actually cause you to gain weight. When you cut calories, your body rebels by increasing your hunger and slowing down your metabolism.
- [17:39] The kind of calories you consume have a big impact on the weight you gain. Different types of food are metabolized in different ways.
- [18:14] What information are you giving your body by the foods that you’re eating?
- [18:25] The foods that I ate, and the tactics that I used became a lifestyle. Along the way, I built healthier habits.
- [19:14] The best part about the way I lost weight was that I never felt deprived or hungry. I actually enjoyed all the food I was eating.
- [19:39] Guilt and stress will do more harm to your body than that chocolate cake ever will.
- [20:15] Take ownership about that decision you made and just move on. No self-loathing. Don’t think about it for the rest of the day and get paralyzed with guilt.
- [20:38] A healthy lifestyle isn’t about beating yourself up when you give in to your favourite food. It’s about finding balance.
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Monday May 11, 2020
7. Quarantine 15: How to Avoid Weight Gain During COVID-19
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Have you been thinking of grabbing another snack for the day? I know how you feel when you have that urge to sneak some ice cream!
This is something I’ve been asked about a lot. How do we avoid weight gain during the self-isolation and social distancing period?
My mantra throughout this is that I plan on coming out of this stronger than I was when it started and I want to encourage you to think this way also because you’ll feel more empowered.
If you follow through successfully, you can actually lose weight during isolation than gain it.
- [2:34] The worst part is that no one knows when this is finally going to be over. We also feel a little out of control with the loss of routine.
- [3:03] Starting your day right includes doing two things.
- [3:32] A routine can really help you keep motivated, determined, and dedicated.
- [3:48] Doing something first thing in the morning that gives back to you, can help you to keep calm and deal with all the upheaval.
- [4:38] Breakfast will help to keep your blood sugar balanced and which will give you all the energy you need to tackle all the things you need to do throughout the day.
- [5:49] I've seen many people who skipped breakfast tend to grab unhealthy snacks come mid-morning
- [7:29] Make sure you get into the habit of eating foods that support both your immune system and weight loss goals.
- [7:50] It's going to make healthy eating and healthy living a lot easier.
- [8:23] Make and enjoy lunch at the same time each day.
- [8:41] Keeping this commitment of making yourself a healthy lunch every single day, may help to enhance your overall sense of being.
- [9:06] I knew nothing about lentils before I started to lose weight. But once I discovered them, I was hooked.
- [9:52] Eating those helps to keep your metabolism revved up which is really important during this time when you're not moving so much.
- [11:10] The key is balance. And letting yourself off the hook.
- [11:20] By telling yourself that you can't or shouldn't eat a particular food, you can fall into deprivation, craving, bingeing through a cycle, which is followed by guilt.
- [13:16] Be mindful of your portion sizes. This is the downfall of a lot of people.
- [15:55] Eat until you're no longer hungry, instead of eating until you're no longer full.
- [16:00] It takes some time between 15-20 meals to reset the muscle memory of your stomach to eat less food.
- [16:33] It's also known as mindful eating. Practice paying attention to what you eat without distractions.
- [17:01] Mindfulness can also help you distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
- [19:33] Exercise is also what's known as a keystone habit. A keystone habit are those habits that once you do it, it makes all those other healthy habits fall into place more easily.
- [21:16] Love and connection - the need to feel closeness or connect with other human beings is defined as a need of the personality. Contribution is the need to provide service, the need to care, help, and give to others.
- [21:49] Do something for your mind and body each day. There's no division on how we think and how our body performs.
- [22:51] Take the time each day during isolation to do something for your mind and body.
- [26:02] Take this opportunity in isolation to do an inventory of your thoughts.
- [26:53] Take some time to celebrate every day to embrace the positive parts of your self.
Monday May 04, 2020
6. Mother’s Day Special: How to Cope When Mother’s Day is Hard
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
One in eight women experiences difficulty getting pregnant. Mother’s Day can be a tough day for a number of women. They go through a number of human emotions that could be quite hard to deal with especially on a day when a Mother & Daughter bond is celebrated everywhere.
Join me in this episode where I interview two amazing women - Angela McNally and Lesley Eastmond - who’ll help us with ways on how to cope with their fertility journey.
- [5:19] Make sure to set your own boundaries on Mother’s Day to find ways to lift yourself up. Being careful of what media you intake that day is so important.
- [7:57] It’s not that we’re not happy for other people. We would never wish what we’re experiencing on others. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt and that we’re not comparing ourselves. That’s the human experience.
- [8:42] Everything is amplified. You’re going to be experiencing those same emotions.
- [8:52] If you’ve experienced loss, like myself, we like to honor our soul babies, the babies that are no longer with us.
- [9:05] Everyone has their own way of attaching to those souls and babies.
- [9:21] The soul is the same soul coming back again, pushing where you’re meant to be.
- [9:33] There are a lot of different beliefs.
- [10:21] If you haven't been able to get pregnant, know that your baby is on the way and connect with it. Whatever you believe this baby to be.
- [11:02] Don’t compare yourself. Watch the media. Celebrate it, honor it in your own way.
- [14:55] Every situation is so different. One woman might need all the support, and checking in. Another might need privacy and boundaries and to mourn her situation on her own.
- [15:16] Asking them how you can support them is the best way.
- [16:18] Communicating with “how can I show up for you” would be a million-dollar question.
- [16:36] Rather than simply assuming you know what that person wants, simply just ask them, “what do you need?” “I’m here for you” and “I’m thinking of you”. It’s a nice gentle nudge.
- [17:43] If you have a friend who’s special enough and asks you what you need, gives you space to mourn, and be there like a brick of love. Hold them so close. They are so few. Appreciate people who show up for you like that.
- [18:28] There are so many layers to this.
- [21:02] Fertility can affect your relationship. Not everybody has a beautiful communicative relationship.
- [22:36] Make this your step one. Share how you’re feeling and ask your partner how you’re feeling.
- [24:11] Those conversations and that vulnerability, brings us even closer. Because we’re the only two people in this situation that really get it.
Part 2: Lesley Eastmond
- [32:31] Building a support community. It’s one of the reasons why I created a group. I knew I wasn’t the only one dealing with this.
- [33:05] Talk to someone who’s unbiased. Be gentle with yourself.
- [36:19] People just acknowledging that I am a mother, helps. It’s a painful reminder but just acknowledging that I, too, am a mother.
- [37:06] Even if you don’t feel it, just still say it. The words that we use, the language that we use, are incredibly important.
- [37:25] Your mind hears everything you say. Your body reacts to that as well.
- [37:31] The most painful thing is somebody to go through the day without being acknowledged. Or make them feel like they’re forgotten or that their journey was forgotten.
- [38:50] Your partner is probably dealing with their own grief... Having that communication, that conversation does a lot.
- [39:27] It is a painful reminder for partners as well. Oftentimes, men get left behind.
- [41:45] Once there’s life, there’s hope. That’s what gets me through it.
Part 3: Tips from Trudy Stone
- [43:58] Practice self-compassion.
- [46:33] Power of Words and the power of writing things down:
- [46:38] Reach out to others that may be feeling the same way you’re feeling.
- [47:18] Don’t isolate yourself. There’s great comfort with connecting with someone.
- [47:24] Find your tribe… Lean on each other for support.
- [48:13] Honor the sorrow, sadness, and loss.
- [48:55] Expressing your feelings is a way of honoring yourself and the experiences that lead to that sorrow.
- [49:25] Make a commitment to yourself and the person that you lost, that you will take positive steps to recover and live the best life that you can.
- [49:36] Acknowledge your feelings.
- Angela McNally Website
- Angela McNally’s Podcast
- I am My Sister’s Keeper (Facebook Group)
- Expressive Writing Workshop
- Dr. Stacy Thomas Website
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Thursday Apr 30, 2020
5. How to Optimize Your Gut For Weight Loss
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
You’ve probably heard about taking care of your gut health for some time now. Let me help you understand why and how this could help out with weight loss too and your overall health.
We’ll dive into some quick scientific concepts and also share with you how you can apply them to your daily food consumption. You’ll be surprised how some of your favorite food sources might actually be helping feed good gut bacteria.
- [1:04] Having a lot of bad bugs hanging in your gut has been linked to many problems including diabetes, depression, cancer, heart disease, fibromyalgia, eczema, asthma, and obesity.
- [1:48] Your gut sends messages to your brain and your brain sends messages to your gut.
- [2:05] Researchers are finding that alterations in the gut microbes can actually influence the risk of brain disorders such as anxiety, depression, autism, and even dementia.
- [5:01] A study in 292 people found that those who were overweight had lower gut bacteria diversity and higher levels of C-Reactive Protein and inflammatory marker on the blood.
- [10:23] Your gut bacteria can produce chemicals that can help you make you feel full. And by affecting your appetite, gut bacteria may play a role in your weight.
- [11:25] A diet high in sugar can stimulate the growth in unhealthy bacteria in the gut which may contribute to weight gain and other chronic health disorders.
- [11:55] Lack of sleep and chronic stress both contribute to gut imbalance.
- [12:35] Fruits and vegetables contain many different fibers that are good for gut bacteria. Eating an assortment of plant-based food can improve gut bacteria diversity which is linked to a healthy weight.
- [12:52] Nuts and seeds contain a lot of fiber and healthy fat which helps support the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
- [13:28] The polyphenols in food like red wine, green tea, and dark chocolate can’t be digested alone but broken down by beneficial gut bacteria which promotes the growth of good bacteria.
- [13:40] Probiotics may help restore healthy gut bacteria after an illness or a course of antibiotics and may even aid weight loss.
- [14:45] Another study reported a milk drink containing a probiotic called lactobacillus for three weeks improved mood in people who had the lowest mood before the treatment.
- [15:09] Prebiotics don’t break down on the small intestine, instead, they reach the colon where they feed your healthy gut bacteria.
- [16:00] Beyond the numerous benefits like reducing inflammation which we know is key for weight loss, studies have found that Omega 3 Fatty Acids can support healthy gut flora.
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Monday Apr 27, 2020
4. How To Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Losing weight could be difficult for different reasons. It’s also another story on how to keep off that weight.
I’m going to share with you 5 ways on how to lose weight without diet or exercise and most importantly, without the feeling of going through torture.
Six years ago, when I started to lose weight, I wanted to do something that was easy and sustainable. I hope you find these tricks helpful and see how they could work for you too.
- [5:47] The Mediterranean diet group was instructed to eat small amounts of red meat, moderate amounts of chicken and fish, and fresh vegetables, legumes and nuts. The low carb group on the hand was only instructed to limit total fat intake to 30% of daily calories with no more than 10% saturated fat and less than 300mg.per day of cholesterol.
- [8:48] I later discovered that the key was creating healthier habits. Creating healthier habits allowed me to lose 30lbs. which I’ve kept off for 6 years.
- [9:01] It made it easier not just to lose the weight but to keep it off. Developing healthy habits is the best way to eat healthy more consistently and to make any changes stick.
- [9:22] Habits can help eliminate the need for exercising self-control and relying on will power.
- [15:00] I’m talking about foods that will help detoxify your body naturally, each and every day. Flushing your body and those toxins with high-fibered foods and lots of greens in addition to drinking warm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar in the morning could help detoxify your body naturally.
- [15:39] Detoxing may even include detoxing from friends or people in your life that are making you feel less, or stressing you out.
- [16:09] Start by decreasing proximity so you can increase your proximity to those who match your future. Surround yourself with those who match your future, not your history.
- [16:53] Stress plays a big part in your overall health and most importantly your ability to lose weight, avoid disease and live a healthier lifestyle.
- [17:32] Some studies show that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions.
- [20:39] Being stressed will make it a lot harder for you to lose weight.
- [21:07] Be on the lookout for poor digestive symptoms like constipation, bloating, gas, acid-reflux or nausea. Poor digestion means that your body may not be able to effectively extract nutrients from the foods that you’re eating, which can interfere with weight loss.
- [22:25] These days our sympathetic nervous system is also what dominates when we’re busy or stressed which is why digestion so often also takes a back seat. The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, is our rest and digest system. It’s the mode you want to be in before, during and after eating to allow for optimal digestion.
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Thursday Apr 16, 2020
3. Why Can’t I Stop Eating: 5 Ways To Control Appetite
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
It is important to understand what triggers your appetite and suppresses it. A lot of my new clients typically ask and wonder why they can’t seem to stop eating. I’ve prepared a great list that will help you to understand your triggers, what kind of food can best help not just your weight loss but also your health in general, and a very important daily activity that you might not be doing enough of.
Always remember that the secret to losing weight is not just what goes into your stomach but what also goes on your brain. There are a lot of other factors that could be impeding your weight loss without realizing it.
- [1:38] Studies show that those who eat the most fiber, tend to have healthier body weight. One study found that people who ate no differently except for increasing their fiber intake lost as much weight as those who went on a rigid, low-fat diet.
- [2:34] Most people are deficient in fiber, getting less than half of the 25-30grams that we should get on a daily basis for overall health and weight control.
- [3:46] Emotional eating or binge eating allows us to remove discomfort and provides a fleeting sense of satisfaction and pleasure when you’re feeling something you just don’t want to feel.
- [4:44] With emotional eating, you’re more likely to keep eating even if you’re full. When you satisfy physical hunger, on the other hand, you’re able to stop when you’re full.
- [6:53] Getting to the root cause is the only way to make lasting change to either lose or maintain weight.
- [7:17] It contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals. It can improve from weight loss to stress management and also provides a natural source of energy. This tea is known for its powerful thermogenic effect. It fires up your calorie-burning mechanism.
- [8:58] Being overweight or obese is a double-edged sword. Not only does obesity contribute to sleep problems, sleep problems contribute to obesity.
- [12:30] Your ability to make healthy decisions is severely reduced when you lack sleep.
- [14:34] When you sit down to eat you should be hungry but not ravenous as this will cause you to overeat. So try eating some high fiber, high protein snacks in between meals.
- Trudy Stone Website
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Thursday Apr 16, 2020
EP2: What To Do If Your Weight is Making You Feel Down
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
If only I could lose 20 lbs, I’d feel more confident. Does that sound familiar? In this episode, we’ll talk about what to do if not being able to lose weight is filling you with hopelessness and despair.
Losing weight is hard enough when you’re happy but it’s even harder when you’re feeling depressed. I want to help you understand and identify the causes behind your thinking and emotions. We will dive deep into this while also talking about how we can change our thinking from negative to positive.
Change is never an easy task but it is definitely something you can do. Once you are able to change your thought patterns, you’ll be able to celebrate yourself every day, flaws and all.
- [02:28] There’s one important thing that you need to understand - there’s no division between what you think and how your body performs. If you want to speed up your body transformation you need to understand the mind-body connection.
- [02:50] Your thoughts and emotions affect your body in many different ways. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, impacts the body in so many ways like weight gain, fatigue, depression, sex drive and overall mental function.
- [03:46] The first step when you’re feeling down about not being able to lose weight is to have awareness.
- [04:27] There is a link between food, emotions, and weight. When you are unable to gain control over your emotions, it can often lead to an unhealthy addiction to food. This is why tuning into your mind and having awareness is so important.
- [05:34] Pema Chödrön says this about emotions: “If you allow an emotion to exist for 90 seconds without judging it, it will disappear. If this emotion goes on for more than 90 seconds it’s because you chose to hold on to that emotion.”
- [06:17] Things you can try to change your thought track from negative to positive: hit stop when a negative thought creeps into your mind. Listen to positive songs to substitute your negative thoughts into positive ones.
- [08:56] When we continue to feed our minds with negative messages, we start to adapt to the messages that we’re feeding it.
- [09:20] To change your body, you need to change your narrative. Reverse your negative messages.
- [10:26] Flood your mind with positive messages. Whenever you feel negative thoughts coming on, give these a try: “I am happy, healthy and radiant. I am ready to enjoy my perfect health. I am a healthy eater. I love and care for my body and my body cares for me. I believe in myself and my abilities” Affirmations are a good way to change your mindset.
- [11:34] Take multiple opportunities throughout the day to repeat your positive affirmations to yourself. Repeating this to yourself daily will help you get a confidence boost and get the results you desire.
- [12:00] One way to keep commitments is to yourself. Confidence builds if you keep your commitments to yourself.
- [13:34] Remember: Your thought patterns become your emotional patterns which then become behavioral patterns. Our brains pick up on our thoughts, emotional and behavioral patterns.
- [13:57] Other ways to overcome a negative body image: find things you love about yourself and let it expand, to love your body as it is is to truly love yourself, ask yourself: what about my body must I learn to accept as it is?
- Trudy Stone Website
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- What type of dieter are you? Take the quiz! →
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
EP 1: Why weight loss is all in your head
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Many of us struggle with obesity and weight loss. Most people have developed a mindset that sabotages their weight loss efforts. With over 60,000 thoughts that pass through our minds on a daily basis, 80% of those are negative. This is because our brains are hardwired to think more negatively than positively.
Your thoughts drive your emotions and your emotions drive your behavior. Your mind dictates your eating choices and your urge to overeat especially when you’re hungry. With this show, I hope to help you get your mind right so that your body will follow.
I share this with you in the hopes that it will give you the motivation to overcome whatever obstacles are coming in your way to releasing the weight and using the power of your mind to create the body you’ve always wanted.
- [02:24] When you attack yourself with negative self-talk, it puts your body in a stress response which increases your cortisol and leads to weight gain. You have the power to heal your relationship with food so that you can help yourself to lose weight.
- [03:20] On this show you’ll learn how to get your mind right so your body will follow, how to live a healthy lifestyle.
- [03:51] What do you believe about yourself and your ability to lose weight? We all have beliefs about ourselves whether we know it or not. We are making choices every day based on those beliefs. During this show, I want to help you get to the core of your beliefs to get lasting weight loss because until you do, you won’t get the weight loss you’re longing for.
- [04:30] “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” A belief is a thought you judge to be true. Beliefs are the mental architecture of how you move through the world.
- [05:10] 3 main ways your beliefs propel you forward or hold you back: 1) your beliefs dictate your behaviour and your behaviour dictates your health. 2) your beliefs affect the chemicals in your brain and how your body functions. 3) Your beliefs are changeable. You have the power to change them.
- [08:24] You have the power to control your thoughts. Positive and hopeful beliefs are healing. Negative and illness-focused beliefs trigger your brain to its fight and flight stress response which dumps cortisol into your bloodstream and causes a cascade of events that make your body more predisposed to illness and weight gain. You have the power to think yourself thin.
- [09:31] What you believe is nothing more than an agreement that you’ve made with yourself about your reality. So to change it, all you have to do is change that agreement.
- [10:27] On the Mind Your Body Show, the strategies I’ll be sharing with you are mostly based on the principles of cognitive therapy, the most effective form of therapy in the world. It is based on the concept that the way people think affects how they feel and do.
- [12:37] I share this with you in the hopes that it will give you the motivation to overcome whatever obstacles are coming in our way to releasing the weight and using the power of your mind to create the body you’ve always wanted.
- Trudy Stone Website
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