The Mind Your Body Show is a weekly show, hosted by Certified culinary nutritionist, TV guest expert and author Trudy Stone, where you’ll learn how to get your mind right so that your body will follow. After self hacking her mind and body to lose 30lbs, she now helps busy overwhelmed women use stress as their superpower so that they can RISE above it and become more calm, resilient and physically fit. Each week not only will you learn nutrition & stress management habits, you’ll also learn about the power of food to enhance your mental and physical wellbeing and how to overcome your battles with living a healthier lifestyle. For more nutrition tips and recipes head over to
Monday Aug 03, 2020
18. COVD-19 and Obesity - How Much Does Obesity Affect Your Risk?
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
MYB - Episode 18 How Much Does Obesity Affect Your Risk?
Obesity and COVID-19. Two risky conditions.
I’m hoping that this episode will not only help someone struggling with obesity but also make them realize how more serious and dangerous it is now with COVID-19 lurking around.
Obesity is the leading risk factor for critical care and hospitalization during this pandemic.
There are a lot of challenges to face when addressing obesity, but I’ll give you a clearer picture of what can help you physically and mentally, and eventually become successful in becoming healthier and having stronger immunity.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [1:26] Roughly 40% of US adults have obesity. People living with obesity are emerging as one of the groups most at risk of critical illness if they contract Covid-19.
- [1:39] Obesity is a chronic medical condition that is already a well-documented risk factor for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
- [1:58] Britain has one of the biggest obesity problems in Europe and now the largest death toll by cumulative numbers.
- [2:33] Apart from seniors over 65 years of age, obesity is the leading risk factor hospitalization and need for critical care due to Covid-19.
- [3:29] Our hormone that connects the body’s metabolism and immune response may explain why Covid-19 is so dangerous for people with obesity.
- [3:49] The hormone leptin regulates appetite and metabolism. It also regulates the cells that fight infection.
- [4:02] The more fat a person has, the more leptin circulates in their body.
- [4:16] Elevated leptin levels hamper the body’s ability to fight off infections in the lungs and elsewhere. High leptin levels promote a low gray systemic inflammatory state.
- [5:33] Inflammation is at the root of most if not all diseases.
- [6:45] Cytokine molecules are part of a healthy immune system response except when the number of molecules soar.
- [7:10] People with obesity hospitalized with Covid-19 are almost twice as likely to need a ventilator according to information gathered by 41 hospitals in the Southern United States.
- [8:11] A person with obesity carries excess chest and abdominal fat. That extra weight puts pressure on their diaphragm, lungs, and chest cavity. This can lead to breathing problems and even lung damage.
- [8:35] The respiratory system of a person with obesity is already working at a disadvantage before the added distress of a Covid-19 infection. With the infection, their blood levels could drop to near-fatal levels without them knowing.
- [8:58] Those with severe or class three obesity which is defined as a BMI of 40 or higher are most at risk.
- [9:44] Obesity is also linked with poor mental health.
- [9:53] Anxiety and stress may contribute to further weight gain while in isolation at home.
- [10:46] Another study was done by the University of Alberta that hints that the Covid-19 pandemic will increase obesity rates especially among those who have lost their job.
- [11:38] As financial stress increases, the desire to eat also increases.
- [11:50] Cortisol triggers the pumping of blood to the large muscles in preparation for a fight or flight response.
- [12:45] People squirreled away food because they thought the environment was becoming harsher.
- [14:27] Hyperpalatable foods are those that hit the sweet spot in your mouth and immediately tell your brain to have more even if you feel full.
- [15:27] Inflammation in the body may lead to you being overweight.
- [16:57] Impaired immune systems make an individual more susceptible to viral infections in general.
- [18:50] It’s important to love your body as it is right now and respect and honor it for all that it has brought you to.
- [19:37] When you attack yourself with negative self-talk, it puts your body in a stress response which increases your cortisol which leads to weight gain.
- [20:08] There are 37 trillion in your body and your beliefs affect the functioning of these cells. Your thoughts trigger chemical messengers in your brain which in turn trigger your cells to take action.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Monday Jul 27, 2020
17. The Black Woman And The Stigma Around Fitness with Kym Niles
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
People tend to limit themselves because of social norms or because they don’t think they are capable of doing something. A lot of people are used to being perceived in a certain way that hinders self-improvement.
It doesn’t matter what other people think, what matters is how you see yourself and how you can become a better person, inside and out. Listen in to Kym Niles and she’ll tackle why black women face barriers in working out. She’ll give tips on how you can change your mindset from being content with who you are now to achieving more in becoming the best version of yourself, in mind and body.
Begin with the end in mind.
Kym Niles is a vivacious leader, magnetic mentor and a Fitness Expert as seen on City TV News, Cp24, CTV News, Breakfast Television, and Women's Health Magazine to name a few. Kym takes a holistic approach that connects your mind and body resulting in a wholesome outcome.
She has been recognized with several leadership awards and was most recently featured on Citytv's Breakfast Television after being selected as a "BT Hero" for her work with youth.
Monday Jul 20, 2020
16. Black Health Matters Too: Racism in the Food System
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Leticia Deawuo is a community resident of the Jane-Finch Community and the Director of the Black Creek Community Farm. In 1996, she moved from Ghana to Canada to join her family. Leticia has been active as both a dedicated volunteer and as a worker. She is a mother of two children and a part-time instructor at George Brown College.
This episode is an eye-opener for everyone. We hope it raises awareness on how food inequality is an issue among people of color and how low income affects their necessities, especially during the pandemic. Leticia Deawuo will also share the challenges present in her community, Jane-Finch, that may be similar to other neighborhoods, as well as providing ways where you can help address these concerns.
- [6:12] The fact that it has been black and brown dominantly women who have been feeding our communities for centuries. I think there's a way that corporations have kind of removed us from that, so we think our food just comes from the grocery store, and the farmer removed, so we don't have to think about who's growing the food that we eat.
- [7:01] Our community was paying about 7% more for fresh producing food and milk in comparison to other neighborhoods across the city.
- [7:58] Where you live, and the type of income you have has a direct impact on your health and your overall well-being.
- [9:04] If you are a single parent and you are struggling to make ends meet, and you have to choose between your rent and food, you're going to go with the food that will have a longer shelf life which is most likely not healthy for you, but that is what's going to feed your family and keep them fed for the long-term.
- [9:57] The term I like to use is “food apartheid.” “Food desert” makes it seem like it's a natural occurrence. It's no one's fault. No one has any role to play. It has nothing to do with systemic racism or has nothing to do with the way that governments design our neighborhoods.
- [13:58] We can not talk about food without talking about housing and gentrification.
- [14:31] If people don't have the income, how can they afford the food?
- [14:55] Our whole system relies on the backs of black and brown bodies, but it's like the food we're farming is the same food that you can't even afford to eat.
- [15:33] It's not a matter of let's have more food banks and give more food banks to people, we have to look at those deep colonial, patriarchal, capitalist systems for us to be able to address food insecurity.
- [21:00] FoodShare mandates and is really around for justice. We are a grassroots community-led organization, and we didn't want to work with any other organizations, especially in Toronto, that didn't have a mandate like us. FoodShare has a leadership that is also black-led, so that was very important for us in terms of the work we're doing.
- [24:51] There's so much you learn as well about your own culture but also about other people's culture, and you learn that food brings everybody together.
- [26:03] Kids are really smart, and they're fast learners. They learn, and this is a learning that will stay with them for the long term versus if I sat them down and said this is why we should care for the environment, and this is why it's important. But because you engage them in the growing of food, they're able to pick it up, but also the impact stays with them much longer.
- [28:28] I think that there are other resources and I think you don't need to go to shops and buy expensive bins and things. It's just finding all the things, certain things that you have at home, things that you've been throwing out that you could use to grow certain things.
- [30:34] If there is an organization in your neighborhood, if their focus is around pay equity and their focus is around job security that's also doing food justice work, I think that's something you should definitely get involved in.
- [31:53] If you see harm being done, if you see an injustice, speak up. And to speak up against it is very important and I think it's something all of us can do in our everyday lives.
- [32:53] Reading a book after a very long day, that helps me to sort of remove myself for a little bit from the world and from everything that's happening on social media.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Black Creek Community Farm Website
Monday Jul 13, 2020
15. 10 Ways to Lose Weight on a Budget
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
People often think that eating healthy food costs way too much and losing weight on a budget is next to impossible.
In this episode, I’m going to debunk those myths and give you 10 tips on how to lose weight on a budget. Food costs are one of the top expenses in every household. I’m here to help you bring down your expenses but still make healthy food choices on your next grocery run.
If you’re trying to lose weight but are conscious of the costs, this episode is for you! But even if you’re not trying to lose weight, you still might want to listen up as these tips will help cut money on your grocery bill while staying on top of your health goals.
- [03:11] Losing weight on budget is completely doable and eating healthy on a regular basis doesn’t have to cost significantly more. In fact, some research shows that it only costs $40 per month more to have a healthy diet.
- [03:48] It’s important to have a weight loss strategy.
- [04:25] Know your budget before you begin to plan your menu and grocery list. Track your expenses to know where your money is going.
- [05:26] Identify your specific weightloss goals. Having a clear idea will help you stay on track and determine where to put your spending money.
- [06:25] There is no shame in asking for help and getting a health coach. It’s not a luxury but an investment on yourself. As Les Brown said, “ask for help not because you’re weak but because you want to remain strong.” Every successful person has had a coach. You will be able to reach your goals better if you have advice, support and accountability from a coach.
- [07:39] Make a grocery shopping list. This will help you stick to your budget, make a healthy meal plan and avoid impulse purchases on unhealthy items. You can even base your grocery list on items on sale.
- [09:34] Stock up on simple healthy staples like basic veggies, fruit, lean protein, canned beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains that you can mix and match to make a variety of meals.
- [10:14] Adding spices to your meals can spruce up your meal in seconds.
- [11:07] Purchasing all organic produce is a lie and also very expensive. Just start with produce that has the highest pesticide residue for organic instead.
- [12:45] Buy seasonal or frozen produce. Buying what’s in season is more flavourful, healthy and economical. While buying frozen produce gives you more time to consume the products.
- [15:00] Use budget friendly sources of protein.
- [16:50] Meal prep and cook at home. Preparing your own weight loss meals and snacks can do wonders for your body and bank account. Meal prep nutritious food for the week so that there’s always something ready to eat.
- [18:54] Be creative with your leftovers. Always check your fridge and pantry to use whatever you have left.
- [22:05] Drink more water. Beverages contribute more calories, sugar, and artificial sweeteners to our diet than any other single consumable. Adding a few fruits and veggies will help jazz up your water and help flush out toxins for your water.
- [24:25] Drink a protein shake. It’s a quick high protein meal replacement.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
14. How To Lose Weight and Create Healthy Habits Without Willpower
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Everyday, one way or another you exert willpower. But why do we struggle with it even if we use it so often? Many people believe that they can improve their lives if only they had more willpower.
Today I’m talking about willpower on the podcast, the role it has in your life, the part that it plays in your relationship with food, and how to create health habits without willpower.
Willpower isn’t just a skill. It’s a muscle that gets tired and decreases power to be used for other things. I hope you listen in and join me on this podcast to know more about this topic and how you can use it to your advantage.
- [02:42] Willpower is like a muscle that can get fatigued when overused.
- [03:46] There are many studies that show that willpower can be strengthened with practice. This can be done through habit formation.
- [03:58] One study shows that people with strong self-control spend less time resisting desires than other people did. People with good self control mainly use it to develop effective habits and routines at school and at work. Habits eliminate the need for will power and self-control.
- [04:31] Habits help us to conserve brain power and self-control. It takes self-control to establish the habit but once that habit is in place, you’re good to go.
- [04:55] You are the sum of your habits - those things that you do consistently. Your health and wellness are not destinations. It’s a way of eating and living on a daily basis; doing those small things day in and day out on an ongoing journey to be your best.
- [05:36] The habit loop is the habit form process which consists of three things: 1) trigger, the thing that triggers your habit; 2) routine, it’s the behaviour itself or the action you take; 3) the reward is the benefit you get from the behavior.
- [07:45] If you want to get good at something, be consistent with it.
- [09:08] Habit stacking is one of the most powerful ways to build new habits without relying on willpower.
- [09:40] It is possible to create eating habits without willpower.
- [11:50] The power of micro habits is in gaining momentum. Momentum creates motivation.
- [12:20] The great thing about creating habits is that it gives you momentum in other areas of your life too.
- [13:05] Your environment is stronger than your willpower. Environment or location is the most explosive trigger of mindless habits.
- [14:40] Most of the time, your habits and behaviours are simply a response to your environment.
Monday Jun 29, 2020
13. How to Deal with Food Pushers & Summer BBQs
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
During the summer, food temptations are everywhere! From summer parties to family barbeques - every get-together you attend is overflowing with burgers, chips, beers and rosés. And then there are family and friends who lovingly give you food that isn’t exactly what you should be eating.
We all know that eating healthy during these times is hard! But it’s possible to survive them without sabotaging your health goals. And hey, remember that if you aren’t successful the first time, you can always try again.
In this episode, I’ll be sharing 5 survival tips that will help you stay in control of your health, what goes on your plate and what goes in your mouth. Tips that are easy, achievable and certainly doable to help you stay on track.
- [03:11] You can refuse any food or drink that is offered to you. When letting them down gently remember that you only have the power to decide what goes in your mouth. The simplest, sweetest and most to the point answer is good old-fashioned “no, thank you!”
- [03:54] Sprinkling compliments about other things can reaffirm the connections that food brings without you taking in excess calories.
- [04:33] Emphasize the fact that eating health makes you feel good.
- [04:52] When someone makes a hurtful or controlling comment, it’s often a reflection of how they feel. Try to offer some reassurance and use it as a moment to teach them how you cope with food guilt.
- [06:18] Don’t give up your favorite food. Instead, find healthier substitutes of some of your favourite unhealthy food.
- [07:56] Don’t completely deprive yourself, especially if you’re currently on a diet.
- [08:17] The benefit of watching your portion sizes is that you start to condition your body to require less food to feel full. Once you figure this out, it will become easier for you. You feel better and more energetic when you don’t over eat.
- [12:12] Bring a healthy contribution to your potluck or barbeque. You never know, you might be helping out some else who’s wanting to eat healthy at the party too.
- Want to get rid of belly fat? Learn how you can burn belly fat and make it easier with my FREE guide 7 Ways To Melt Your Muffin Top backed by science.
- Matcha Coconut Caramel Milkshake
- Superfood Summer Cocktails
- Fat Burning Detox Water
Monday Jun 22, 2020
12. How Stress Affects Your Weight
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Oftentimes, people put aside their self-care routine because of the demands from work, family, and friends. Moreover, with the world’s situation right now, it’s okay to feel stressed and anxious but you should know when your body has had enough of it. Remember, your body still needs self-care and the proper nutrients for it to stay healthy.
In this episode, I’m going to be sharing the ways that stress damages your body as well as the nutrients that get depleted when you’re stressed. Assess yourself if you’re abusing your body because of the unhealthy habits that you have in your lifestyle. I want you to be able to understand and empower yourself with healthy habits.
There is A LOT going on in the world today which may have you feeling anxious and/or stressed. If so that’s totally normal.
The World Health Organization has called stress ‘the health epidemic of the twenty- first century’. Up to 80% of all doctors visits are thought to be related to stress – 80%!
Stress can have devastating long-term consequences for your health as well as your weight loss efforts.
In this episode we’ll cover some of the major ways that stress damages your health and your weight loss efforts and what you can do about it.
- [1:45] Stress is something that if left unchecked, can have serious and detrimental effects on your health.
- [2:00] The World Health Organization has called stress the health epidemic of the 21st century.
- [2:40] When we eat things like white flour, sugar, and fried food, all these comfort foods that we reach for when we're stressed, we actually increase inflammation and stress hormonal production.
- [3:55] Our bodies are not designed to be in a constant state of stress yet this is what most people experience each and every day.
- [4:50] Micro Stress Doses are individual portions of stress, whether it's from the tech in your life, like always being on your phone or your computer, or standard stressors from being a husband, a wife, or an employee.
- [7:08] When your ecosystem of information decides that you're in danger, it switches you out of a thriving state and puts you into a stress state.
- [7:37] When the body receives information that we're in danger, the sympathetic branch releases the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. This sends signals to the rest of the body to actively change its function.
- [8:21] Stress, whether it's physical or emotional, is detected by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It releases a hormone that sends a stress signal to another part of the brain, the pituitary gland, which in turn releases a hormone to send the signal all the way down to your adrenal glands then releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol alone, with hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, are your body's primary stress response hormones. They put you in a fight-or-flight state so that you're prime to deal with danger.
- [9:36] Increased cortisol leads to more stomach fat.
- [11:18] According to studies, 75% of overeating is caused by emotions.
- [11:42] Women who have low levels of serotonin are more prone to anxiety, depression, and binge eating.
- [12:17] If you have too little dopamine in your system, you'll tend to feel unmotivated, lethargic, unfocused, and maybe even feeling depressed.
- [13:43] You have acute stress which is short-term. That's like rushing to meet a work deadline or maybe being a fender-bender and you kind of have to spring into action. It can also be something exciting and thrilling. Now sometimes, this type of short-lived stress can be good because it creates motivation.
- [14:22] Chronic or long-term stress is the result of a situation that hasn't been resolved. It could be abuse or another type of traumatic event that happened maybe in your childhood that you've carried into adulthood.
- [15:13] The worst part of chronic stress is that people get used to it. They completely forget that it's there because it just becomes part of them.
- [16:18] Nutrients that can not be restored in the first place are vulnerable. This is typically your water-soluble vitamins and certain minerals that come to mind.
- [17:44] Low magnesium levels are associated with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia even.
- [19:13] A 2013 study found that taking higher amounts of magnesium helps better control insulin and glucose blood levels.
- [20:12] Iron is an extremely important mineral in your body as you need it to make oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
- [22:01] If your iron levels are low, the body can't oxidize fat as fast as they should, thereby slowing down your ability to lose weight.
- [23:19] Vitamin C is a multi-talented nutrient that's involved with a wide variety of functions throughout your body.
- [25:00] Low blood levels of Vitamin C have been linked to higher amounts of belly fat.
- [26:00] B Vitamins can refer to a range of B-complex vitamins that perform a variety of roles throughout your body, from supporting your nervous system to helping your body absorb the energy from your food properly. They can even help your body produce feel-good neurotransmitters.
- [27:28] Vitamin B-12 is important for communication between brain cells and also to engage the action of our neurotransmitters.
- [27:41] The best source of Vitamin B-12 is animal sources.
- [28:09] Learn how to build a stress management habit. This can include meditation as soon as you wake up or before you go to sleep.
- [28:38] Remember, stress is always going to be there, but what makes all the difference is how you choose to handle it.
- Trudy Stone Website
- Trudy Stone Facebook
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- Trudy Stone Instagram
- Trudy Stone Twitter
Episode 5 - How to Optimize Your Gut for Weight Loss
Monday Jun 15, 2020
11. 5 Sneaky Habit Triggers that Derail Your Weight Loss
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
If you sometimes feel down because you gave in to cravings despite your strong will to lose weight, I’ll explain to you the 5 sneaky habit triggers that’s derailing your weight loss journey.
Habit triggers could easily sway your behaviour if you’re not aware of how and why they happen. So today I’ll share with you on how you replace bad habits and how you can easily train your brain into doing more good habits without much effort.
- [2:01] Knowing your triggers is a big part of behavioural change that will help you to lose weight.
- [2:18] This is foundational information to understand how your habit triggers may be working against you and your weight loss efforts.
- [2:26] So to change your unhealthy eating habits, you need to understand exactly how habits are formed.
- [2:36] You’ll have the power to create any habit you want.
- [3:31] The researchers noticed that the mice who had an injured basal ganglia developed problems on how to run through mazes.
- [4:50] The basal ganglia was where habits were stored, even while the rest of the brain was turned off. The MIT researchers discovered a neurological or habit loop at the core of every habit.
- [5:02] This loop consists of three parts: a cue, aka trigger, a routine and reward.
- [6:22] Unfortunately, your brain doesn’t recognize a good habit from a bad one. Anything that you do repeatedly, will just get shuffled to that squishy tissue otherwise known as the basal ganglia.
- [6:42] It is still possible to change your habits.
- [7:20] There are five common habit triggers that may be tanking your weight loss efforts.
- [7:59] The first habit trigger is time.
- [8:22] The next time that craving hits, ask yourself how you’re feeling at that moment. In most cases, your habits are an indication of how you feel at that moment. Whether it’s boredom, stress, anxiety, loneliness.
- [8:43] We don’t break bad habits, we replace them.
- [8:47] The second habit trigger is location or environment.
- [9:47] Environment or location, is the most explosive trigger of mindless habits.
- [9:56] Grabbing a cookie when I sat down to watch my favourite tv show at night was a mindless habit.
- [10:04 ] Your habits and behaviours are simply a response to your environment.
- [10:35] Having health-promoting ingredients in an organized kitchen remove will power from the equation and take the stress out of staying on track with your health and wellness goals.
- [10:52] If you can see it, you’ll be more likely to eat it.
- [11:23] Put healthy food within reach.
- [12:23] Get rid of the clutter. How guilty are you of having food overflowing on your countertops?
- [13:05] The third habit trigger is people.
- [13:35] If a friend of yours gains weight, then your risk of gaining weight increases by 57%. It’s important to surround yourself with people who either have the habits you want or who also have a desire to improve their habits.
- [13:51] Groups provide two very important things. Accountability and belief.
- [14:11] The more positive reinforcement and support you surround yourself with, the easier it will be to make difficult changes and change your habit.
- [15:01] The fourth habit trigger is a preceding event.
- [15:25] Habit stacking is one of the most powerful ways to build new habits without relying on will power.
- [15:52] Small wins build momentum because they’re easy to remember and complete.
- [16:15] This powerful technique not only makes the behaviour memorable but it cements your new habit to an existing trigger.
- [18:20] If you want to be good at something or at least be consistent at it like eating healthier, why would you rely on motivation?
- [18:33] The trigger for that new habit you’re trying to create is a crucial part of forming new or better eating habits.
- [19:29] Ever since I’ve been doing that, I never missed a dose.
- [19:40] The habit trigger number five is the emotional state.
- [19:58] Emotional state is a common and dangerous trigger for bad habits.
Monday Jun 01, 2020
10. How Intermittent Fasting Works For Weight Loss | Dr. Ian Smith
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Dr. Ian Smith is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Clean and Lean, Clean 20, Super Shred, and Blast The Sugar Out. He is a graduate of Harvard, Columbia, and the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
He has personally helped me with my weight loss struggle many years ago. After doing a lot of research, he has been one of those that was instrumental to my weight loss of 30lbs. for six years now.
In this episode we’ll help you understand how your body reacts and how your decisions to these triggers can affect your health and weight loss. Dr. Ian will also discuss and provide great analogies to understand hunger and cravings, and how to get going with Intermittent Fasting.
- [5:11] Your body floods your brain with dopamine… It tells your body that you like this and it increases the memory of what it was that caused the pleasure.
- [5:40] When you see a chocolate cake, smell it or you think about it, then your body starts releasing that dopamine again. Your body needs to respond to this trigger, to go get the reward.
- [6:20] Hunger is like your oil light. When you’re low on oil, your oil light comes on. No matter how many times you turn your car on or off, the oil light is gonna come back on until you give it oil.
- [6:35] Cravings are like your Bluetooth. When you get into your car and the dashboard says, do you want to connect your Bluetooth? If you don’t do anything at all, eventually that prompt is gonna go away.
- [7:55] How we carry ourselves externally may have nothing to do with what’s going on internally.
- [8:19] Weight loss is a journey. For many, it’s a battle.
- [8:46] Sometimes when we think it’s not gonna happen, it comes to vision that it doesn’t happen.
- [15:45] The reason why intermittent fasting works, one of the reasons is because it’s simple energy management.
- [16:13] Your body prefers to have the energy for food. But if you don’t have any food energy available, then your body will go into your fat source and release that fat. Release it in an energy form that can be used by your body.
- [16:30] Intermittent fasting is all about fat burning.
- [16:41] The critical thing about intermittent fasting is that you have to be consistent.
- [17:30] You got to stick to your windows.
- [18:22] You can see results in the first couple of weeks. Some people make it a way of eating.
- [19:26] People have defined ways to release their stress in a positive way.
- [19:33] Stress is a normal part of living. The question is how do you handle the stress?
- [19:44] That may temporary relieve the emotional stress that you’re under currently but it’s not a good long term solution.
- [20:16] There are all kinds of ways that we can deal with the stress without turning into that high-calorie food that have no nutritional value.
- [20:35] Take some time to think of more productive ways. Not only can you release the stress in a productive way, but you also have something accomplished.
- [21:03] I think the most common mistake is that some people have unrealistic goals.
- [24:43] I don’t want to wake up one day and be seventy years old and thinking what if I had done this, what if I had done that.
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Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Who doesn’t like sugar, right? Studies show that an average American consumes over 150lbs. in a year or 6 cups of sugar in one week.
If you’ve ever wondered why this is happening, listen in as I share with you what the difference between palatable and hyper-palatable is, and what makes you crave certain foods like pizza, pastries, ice cream, and chocolate.
Technology plays a big factor especially in today’s food choices but it’s not something you can’t do something about. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Once you understand how your food is processed, you’ll discover how little steps can help you closer to your weight loss goals.
[2:49] Food scientists hi-jack your taste buds by actually calculating the bliss point of sugary foods and beverages so that you get hooked.
[4:33] Science of food addiction is clearer now, than ever before.
[5:15] When this pleasure sensor is activated, it makes us feel good. It actually drives out to seek out more of that feeling.
[9:26] Research indicates that chocolate is the most frequently craved food among women.
[10:08] That’s a habit-forming drug called, Theobromine. It’s a mild stimulant on its own. But when added it’s added to something that’s already highly addictive like chocolate, it puts many of us over the edge.
[10:15] This is why I’m very particular as to where I purchase my chocolate from.
[11:55] Our current food system is less than a century old and not nearly enough time for humans to genetically adapt to the radical changes that occurred.
[12:10] Many researchers believe that this evolutionary mismatch is why we suffer from a high rate of lifestyle-related disorders such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
[13:10] Rather than getting fat from meat and whole foods, dairy, and nuts, we now get them mechanically from oils that are cheap and convenient.
[13:31] Which one is the enemy? Is it too much sugar or too much fat?
[14:08] Technology has allowed us to create foods that are far more seductive than those that occur in nature.
[14:25] It was just an unfortunate side effect of the race to make money.
[14:36] About $8.8B was spent on ads for unhealthiest offerings.
[16:18] How can we fight this instinctive force that makes us eat too much?
[17:45] They feel like they don’t have enough will power. The key is to control your food cues in your personal environment.
[18:55] Try to avoid foods that have this combination.
[21:34} Put those healthy foods within reach.
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