The Mind Your Body Show is a weekly show, hosted by Certified culinary nutritionist, TV guest expert and author Trudy Stone, where you’ll learn how to get your mind right so that your body will follow. After self hacking her mind and body to lose 30lbs, she now helps busy overwhelmed women use stress as their superpower so that they can RISE above it and become more calm, resilient and physically fit. Each week not only will you learn nutrition & stress management habits, you’ll also learn about the power of food to enhance your mental and physical wellbeing and how to overcome your battles with living a healthier lifestyle. For more nutrition tips and recipes head over to
Monday Oct 12, 2020
28. The Functional Medicine approach to Infertility with Sarah Clarke
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and that’s why I’ve invited a very special guest to the show this week to talk about a functional medicine approach to fertility for those that are having challenges with starting or growing their family.
October recognizes the loss so many parents experience across the United States and around the world. During the entire month, we take time to honor and remember those who have lost a child during pregnancy or lost a child in infancy.
Dealing with death in the family is never easy. The death of a baby, either through miscarriage or during infancy, is no exception. There are no instructions on how to grieve the loss of a child. A number of feelings will be experienced. It’s important to make sure you allow yourself as much time necessary to recover from the grieving process. Healing time varies from person to person, but eventually, you will find peace again.
We all know that health is important. But when do we know when our seemingly minor symptoms are greatly affecting our overall health, including our reproductive health?
Our guest this episode is Sarah Clark, who'll share her story, some simple steps to get started on taking charge of your fertility and how to get started on your healing journey.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [1:59] October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
- [2:59] It is really important that you make sure to allow yourself as much time as necessary to recover from the grieving process.
- [7:29] I thought it was a great idea to take antibiotics for every cold. Not a great idea.
- [9:57] As part of our FabFertile Method and our Couples Coaching Program, we still include functional testing. We also include food sensitivity testing, Zoomer test, Immunoglobulin G(IgG) test, and the Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones(DUTCH).
- [18:47] Don’t be afraid of fats. Fat is like the building blocks for hormones.
- [19:12] I think people don’t realize that they have potential in food sensitivity.
- [20:03] It takes two to have a baby.
- [21:42] Eight-five percent of us are deficient in magnesium.
- [23:16] Do the elimination diet. Change everything to organic.
- [24:58] Another huge thing is to look at your sleep.
- [25:41] Look at your stressors.
- [26:37] Sometimes, we’re just like we got to go help everybody else and we don’t think about putting ourselves first then being able to help others.
- [29:36] We have our happiness as a secondary. We put other people’s happiness first.
- [33:19] Take your phone off your body.
- [33:55] Make sure you have filtered water.
- [35:01] Have some plants that are helping to filter the air in your house.
- [37:10] If you’re in a dark spot and can’t visualize it working, that’s when it’s important to get support.
- [37:43] We use emotional freedom techniques to pinpoint the trauma.
- [40:20] It really is all about intention setting and it is about rewiring and reframing your thoughts.
- [44:42] Be aware of your triggers.
- [47:20] Get out outdoors and connect with nature.
- Healing time varies from person to person but eventually, you will find peace again.
- When it comes to dealing with loss and infertility, it really is about putting you and your feelings first.
- If you’re in a dark spot where you can’t visualize it working, it’s really important to get support in that.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Sarah’s Fertility Diet Freebie
Fabulously Fertile: Supercharge your fertility naturally by Sarah Clark
Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast Itunes
Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast Spotify
Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You're Meant to Have
Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Monday Oct 05, 2020
27. The Power of Passion in Health and Healing with Danny Stone
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
What are you passionate about?
At some point in life, you might have felt drained and stressed out. You have a good-paying job, but it feels like something is missing. You might be focusing on something that isn't for you. Take a reality check and look at where you are right now.
Danny Stone is a Best-Selling Author, Podcast Host, Author, Coach, Personal Development Teacher, and Speaker that has spoken in front of thousands of people. He is the founder of The School of Success, an online school teaching entrepreneurs how to launch and grow their businesses. His mission is to teach corporate professionals how to turn their passion into profit and make a more significant impact in the world. Danny believes that everyone has something special within them, and he wants to help them find what it is and live it out loud.
In this episode, Danny and I discuss why there is power in doing the things you are passionate about. Do what you love, use it to help others, and turn it into a thriving business. It’s a win-win situation!
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [1:56] We try to stay the same person and figure out the same problems in our lives when usually these challenges are there to help us achieve higher levels of being or prepare us for that next level in life.
- [5:31] I had to walk my path, and I couldn’t be concerned with what other people had to say about my life.
- [7:06] In coaching people, it was more about life. It was about life experience.
- [10:42] You have to follow your own path. There is greatness within you; just seek out more out of life because you are capable of so much more.
- [14:04] When someone passes away that’s close to us that we love, I think it’s really important for us to find a way to honor that person.
- [16:04] Look beyond yourself. Whether you are somebody of faith or not, know that whoever you believe in is going to get you through this.
- [16:31] The universe isn’t working against you; it’s working with you, even in difficult times.
- [16:40] Focus on gratitude. Focus on the things that you have.
- [17:12] When you focus on gratitude, you start to see things with that lens, and you also see the positive things that are working for you.
- [18:03] Sometimes, when we’re going through challenging times, we keep it bottled up because we don’t want other people to know, or we don’t want to burden them with our problems. But, that’s what your friends and family are there for.
- [18:28] One of the ways to change your emotion is through motion.
- [18:49] When you’re not feeling well, and you’re not feeling good about yourself or your situation, movement is the thing that kind of gives us that energy, and that dopamine, and all of the things that make us feel good.
- [19:25] The thing was that working out for me, it’s not so much about the external, it’s about the internal.
- [19:56] Exercise is a huge part of mental health.
- [20:55] One of the major stresses in people’s lives is not doing work that they're passionate about.
- [22:55] I think what happens with us is that we have forgotten how to dream and how to think big. So, when you wake up every day, you go into the motions of going to your job or school, and you forget to think beyond where you are.
- [24:57] Develop a morning ritual.
- [25:17] A morning routine is the activities and everything that you have to do to prepare for the day.
- [25:34] Your morning ritual is the activities that you look forward to that are going to help you create more peace, calm, and focus in your life.
- [26:44] Meditation can be simply finding some quiet place in your home and just sitting quietly and thinking about your expectations or what you want to happen that day.
- [27:15] A mantra is just an affirmation. It’s a set of powerful words that you aspire to be or that you know are within you that you want to bring out.
- [30:18] You have to do a reality check.
- [40:49] Once you find that idea that you’re passionate about and you know you can make money with, it’s just a matter of learning that strategy to turn it into a reality.
- [43:17] There’s something special about you, and you have to find out what it is because you owe it to the world. You can’t be selfish with your talent and your gift.
- [42:52] Everybody has a story, and there are so many lessons that other people can learn from your story.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Join Danny's Passion to Profit Bootcamp
Monday Sep 28, 2020
26. The Truth About Habits And Willpower
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
What are your habits?
It’s possible that your routine is composed of habits that are either good or bad for your health.
In this episode, I'll be talking about the truth about habits and willpower that will help you realize how developing the right habits is essential for your health, and how battling with willpower drains you mentally and physically.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [[2:49] Habits are practices that you engage in regularly.
- [3:17] Habits eliminate the need for willpower and self-control.
- [3:29] It does take self-control to establish that habit, but once that habit is in place, you’re good to go.
- [3:43] Habits make change easier by freeing you from decision making and exerting self-control.
- [4:12] You are what you repeatedly do, whether these things hurt you or help you.
- [4:20] With some effort and simple mind shifts, you can develop the right habits to achieve anything that you want.
- [4:33] You need to understand how habits are formed. So, you need to understand the habit loop and how to make it work for you.
- [5:00] In The Power of Habit, Duhigg calls the habit-forming process the habit loop, and it consists of three things. Number one, the trigger, which triggers the habit and tells your brain it’s time to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Number two, the routine, which is the behavior itself or the action that you take. Number three, the reward, which is the benefit you gain from the behavior and the thing that makes you want to repeat the habit.
- [5:35] Most people obsess about breaking bad habits when the focus should be on replacing bad habits.
- [6:21] Forget about the silver bullet.
- [6:31] The silver bullet is consistency.
- [6:40] Small things done consistently every day over time will help you to achieve your goal.
- [7:05] It was when I broke down my weight loss goal into small daily actions that the weight started to fall off.
- [7:28] We get so caught up in quick results, not realizing that the process, routines, and habits towards achieving these goals are more important.
- [8:28] There are going to be days where you veer off course when it comes to losing weight or eating healthier, but if you develop a good foundation with habits, it will make it a whole lot easier to course correct.
- [9:05] Habits help you to overcome a lack of motivation and willpower.
- [9:23] Willpower isn’t just a skill; it’s a muscle.
- [10:16] There’s growing research that shows that repeatedly resisting temptation takes a mental beating.
- [10:45] Constantly drawing on willpower to resist your favorite treats has been proven to drain your self-control when faced with future similar situations.
- [11:24] Your environment is stronger than your willpower.
- [12:29] I replaced my bad habit instead of trying to completely break it.
- [12:47] Environment or your location is the most explosive trigger of mindless habits.
- [13:07] To be successful at replacing your bad eating habits, you first need to minimize the steps required to replace that habit.
- [13:34] Having health-promoting ingredients in a well-organized kitchen will remove willpower from the equation and take the stress out of staying in track with achieving your health as well as your weight loss goals.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Monday Sep 21, 2020
25. 11 Healthy Food Swaps
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Going the healthy route doesn’t have to be bland, boring, or complicated.
I’ve shared 11 healthy food swaps in this episode, along with some delicious recipes! I’ve covered common foods that might seem to be impossible to replace, but you’ll be surprised how there are great options available. These easy and healthy alternatives will definitely get you closer to your health goals.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [02:09] When we’re told not to have something, we tend to crave more of it.
- [02:34] Having some replacements for your bad eating habits will make it a lot easier to make those changes stick.
- [3:06] All-purpose flour is refined, heavily processed, and bleached.
- [5:17] Coconut flour is healthier than white flour and a good source of protein and fiber.
- [6:25] Instead of white sugar or artificial sweeteners, use coconut palm sugar.
- [07:51] An excess of the blood sugar in the bloodstream is dangerous.
- [7:55] When your insulin spikes, it makes you crave even more simple carbohydrates and sugary treats.
- [8:30] If you eat sugar frequently, you owe it to yourself and your family to at least try out some alternatives like coconut palm sugar.
- [10:00] If there’s one thing I want you to remove from your kitchen, it’s Canola oil.
- [10:15] These seven deadly oils are all hydrogenated oils that may cause inflammation in the body.
- [11:05] Virgin coconut oil is rich in disease-fighting phytonutrients.
- [13:44] For eggs, use chia seeds or ground flax seeds. They are a great source of healthy fats and soluble fiber, which helps in weight loss and management.
- [16:20] If you frequently experience brain fog or memory problems, you may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.
- [17:21] Nutritional yeast is also high in folic acid. Adequate levels of folate reduce brain fog and bad moods. Folic acid has been used to treat clinical depression for years.
- [18:10] Chickpeas are also high in fiber, so it’ll keep you full between meals. They act as a natural appetite suppressant.
- [19:27] Liva Date Sugar contains one ingredient, whole, round, dehydrated organic dates. You can use it just as you would white or brown sugar, and it’s perfect for your baking or beverage needs.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Join The Shed & Shred Bootcamp
Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
Chocolate Chip Lentil Blondies
Monday Sep 14, 2020
24. How to Easily Build A Powerful Weight Loss Plan
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Have you ever decided to live a healthy lifestyle but ended up doing it the other way around?
Change isn't easy. It takes time to get used to something that isn't familiar because your mind tries to block choices that can cause you hardship, even if they're good for you. But you have to go through all that pain for you to achieve what you want.
In this episode, I'll be talking about how to easily build a powerful weight loss plan that could help you work with your mind towards success.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [00:38] One of the most common barriers to success for most people is that they don’t know how to work with their minds.
- [00:48] If you want to create success with your life and health, you have to do things you haven’t done before.
- [1:53] Your mind will be the best or the worst partner in life you’ll ever have.
- [2:06] The most powerful potential on the planet comes from your mind.
- [3:14] Your behavior is going to be affected by your limiting beliefs.
- [3:52] Effective weight loss programs encourage you to approach weight loss in a refreshing new way using the most sophisticated tool in existence—your brain.
- [4:40] The typical diet works the same way as typical pharmaceutical drugs. It masks the symptoms but does not correct the cause.
- [5:42] Understanding how your mind works and applying these mind hacks will enable you to achieve lasting transformational change in your life.
- [5:59] Your mind does exactly what it thinks you want it to do.
- [6:10] Your mind is hardwired towards pleasure and away from pain.
- [6:30] Your mind loves what’s familiar and will always try to fall back on what’s familiar.
- [7:00] Your mind is always listening to your self-talk.
- [8:58] You have to link massive pleasure to getting it and then pain to not getting it.
- [9:13] The whole inner dialogue you have with your brain is conducted by your thoughts, and these thoughts can either be in words or pictures.
- [10:01] If you want to change the dialogue you’re having with your mind, you have to change the words you use and the mental images you focus on.
- [10:54] Make a point of noticing negative self-talk, defeated mental images, and turn that around.
- [11:09] Whatever you tell your mind, it believes. So, say better things.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Join The Shed & Shred Bootcamp
Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
Monday Sep 07, 2020
23. Damaging Weight Loss Excuses That Stop You From Losing Weight
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
What’s stopping you from losing weight?
I know how easy it is to come up with seemingly valid reasons why it’s not working or why you wouldn't even bring yourself to start but those excuses might be causing you more damage than good.
Listen to learn five damaging excuses that you might be making that stop you from living a healthy lifestyle.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [1:51] Cognitive distortions are thoughts that cause you to view reality inaccurately. It’s when your mind bends the facts to keep you in a negative state of mind.
- [2:41] We come up with all sorts of reasons and excuses for not starting and not sticking to a diet or a healthy eating plan. However, most of your excuses don’t cut it.
- [3:31] As long as you’re following a healthy balanced eating plan rather than an overly restrictive fat diet, your diet should help to keep you energized and fueled to tackle your busy day successfully.
- [4:18] I was responsible for the results I wasn’t getting.
- [4:33] In reality, there is always time for those things that we define as a priority.
- [5:06] You need to understand the value of investing in yourself.
- [5:31] Healthy eating can be just as budget-friendly as splurging on junk food if you know what to look out for.
- [5:56] Having a clear idea of what’s necessary to carry out your weight loss goals will help you stay on track and effectively determine where to allocate your spending.
- [7:03] Most of us are putting money into things where you won’t get a return for your investment.
- [9:13] While you may think that giving in to that temptation for a tasty treat or that glass of wine will compensate when you’re feeling overwhelmed, it will most likely only make you feel guilty and bloated.
- [9:26] If you know that you’re an emotional eater, it’s important to find a healthy way to deal with your feelings.
- [9:56] When you give power to that external thing, you become the victim, the victim to your life and health.
- [10:31] Being responsible means being the cause of your life, not the effect.
- [10:41] Results get curated when you, and only when you cause them.
- [11:23] Stop making the same mistakes over and over again so that you can stop wasting time.
- [11:48] One of the most common and flimsiest excuses around is that diets just don’t work for you. Well, not if you approach them with that attitude.
- [11:59] Remember, your body hears everything your mind thinks.
- [12:16] Trying every new fad diet that pops up is unlikely to achieve long-lasting results or leave you feeling great and confident.
- [12:29] Adopt a sustainable, healthy approach to eating and make sure to give it a proper go before you assess its effectiveness and give up.
- [12:59] The Mediterranean diet is often mentioned by scientists as being the most protective against cardiovascular disease, healthier brains, and being helpful for weight loss.
- [13:22] The Mediterranean diet, just so we’re on the same page here, emphasizes eating primarily plant-based foods.
- [14:10] The best part about the Mediterranean diet is that it’s not even really a diet in the way that we usually think of diets. It’s more like a life-long way of eating and living.
- [14:44] Blaming your body shape on genetics is a good way to dismiss all responsibility.
- [14:58] While your genes can determine where and how easily fat is stored, you are not powerless to shift those pounds.
- [15:10] There is plenty of scientific evidence showing that overweight and obesity are, for the bitter part, caused by the interaction between behavior and biology.
- [15:20] Scientists agreed that genetics only play a small role, about 30%, to gain weight. The other 70% is caused by an outside influence, your environment, and how you respond to it.
- [15:39] Your environment is stronger than your will-power.
- [15:54] You must forever be vigilant about your behaviors.
- [16:09] If you’re going to build a successful weight loss plan, you will have to get real about your mindset.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Join The Shed & Shred Bootcamp!
Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
Monday Aug 31, 2020
22. Why You’re Not Losing Weight Despite Doing Everything Right
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Have you tried all the possible ways to lose weight, but you feel like nothing is working?
Maybe you're tired and at the brink of giving up. Each time you weigh yourself, nothing has changed, or worse, you gained a whole lot more. You did all the diets and exercises you found online, but they just aren't working for you.
So you ask yourself, "what have I been doing wrong?.”
In this episode, I'll discuss four mistakes you might be doing, which keeps you from losing weight. Yes, you eat healthily and exercise regularly, but they may not be enough. I'll explain why you should also be optimistic during the process and why you should align your thinking patterns with positivity.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [2:00] This year has been a bit of a strange one. So if you haven’t hit your goal yet, don’t be too hard on yourself. Because I can guarantee that you, like everybody else, is just trying to figure out how to navigate this “new norm” that we’re in.
- [2:39] It all starts with the question, “why?”. To be successful at losing weight, you need to understand your “Why?”.
- [3:12] I will do whatever it takes to overcome temptation, quitting, and making excuses.
- [3:51] Whatever your vice is, ask yourself, “How will eating this make me feel about myself?”. I want you to do this each time you’re about to give in to a craving or are faced with temptation.
- [4:06] You do want to make sure that what you’re eating is aligned with your “Why?”. Because when you fall out of alignment with what you say you want, but you do, that’s what starts to erode your self-confidence.
- [4:36] Being able to strongly align and stay committed to your “Why?” at losing weight will allow you to dust off your shoulders and get back into the saddle.
- [5:51] If you just keep digging deeper and deeper, it’s going to allow you to get to the root of why it is you that you want to lose weight.
- [7:35] Multiple studies show that gradually adopting healthy eating habits will lead to sustainable weight-loss.
- [8:04] The group focused on habit formation, not only were they able to keep the weight off longer, but they also lost up to 5% more bodyweight overall.
- [9:00] When we start getting those winds under our belt, it gives us momentum, then we don’t have to worry about relying on willpower and motivation.
- [9:12] Habits help you to conserve brain power and self-control.
- [9:38] If you’re not happy with the results you’re getting or not getting, you need to look at your habits.
- [12:08] Having this mini accountability group and knowing that someone was looking out for me and had my back was key to attending that class each week.
- [12:44] Pay close attention to the language that you use. Instead of thinking of all the things that could go wrong, think of all the things that could go right.
- [13:01] Finding someone to keep you accountable is also helpful for feedback and reinforcement.
- [13:23] Outside feedback can also help you to keep your expectations ambitious but realistic.
- [14:43] Your beliefs are changeable.
- [15:03] What you believe is nothing more than an agreement that you made with yourself about your reality. So to change it, all you have to do is to change that agreement.
- [15:22] It’s vital that you take an honest look at your core beliefs and determine if they truly match your health and weight-loss goals.
- [15:46] If you’re open to the idea that your body can transform and heal, you’ll allow your brain and body to transform at the biochemical level.
- [16:04] It’s essential to focus not just on behavior, but also on your perception of your ability to make the changes you want.
- [16:30] If you’re looking to improve your sense that you can do it, it can also help to look for people in similar circumstances.
- [16:44] One of the most common barriers to success for most people is that they don’t know how to work with their minds.
- [16:51] Cognitive distortions are negative thoughts that cause individuals to perceive reality inaccurately. It’s a way in which your mind bends the facts to keep you locked in a negative state of mind.
- [17:41] The first step to effective and long-term weight-loss is to address not just your eating but rather to address your mind and why you eat the way that you do.
- Weight-loss is a journey.
- People who successfully achieved weight-loss didn’t try to change everything all at once. They mastered one new skill then layered on another.
- You are the sum of your habits.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Join The Shed & Shred Bootcamp
Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
Monday Aug 24, 2020
21. 7 Weight-Loss Myths That Could Be Holding You Back
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
So just how do you lose weight?
Substitute diet soda for regular soda, eat low fat foods, just cut your carbs. These ideas are false and today we’re digging into 7 weight-loss myths that could be holding you back.
These myths are food and diet industry propaganda that make and keep us fat and sick. Could these myths be holding you back from achieving your health goals?
Join me in this episode as I discuss 7 weight-loss myths that could be holding you back from achieving your health goals and provide some clarity on your current frustrations for losing weight.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
[2:15] Lies by the food industry combined with questionable government policies based on food industry lobbying are the major causes of our obesity and diabetes epidemics.
[2:25] Over 40% of Americans and 30% of Canadians are obese.
[3:10] Each person has a different set of hormones, metabolism, lifestyle factors, and other potential underlying health issues that could all play a role in how much weight he or she loses.
[3:36] Don’t expect to see immediate weight-loss results the second you start eating healthy or 1 week into your diet.
[4:12] Cutting out carbs altogether can actually make you gain weight because you’re missing out on filling fiber which has been proven to help you slim down.
[4:33] Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbs are actually essential as they’re our main source of energy.
[4:51] The other thing about low-carbs is that this compels you to buy foods that have low-carb on the label. These foods that claim to be low-carb but are still high in fat and other damaging stuff that wrecks your health.
[5:06] Complex carbs like fresh fruit, sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, beans, and lentils are what our body naturally craves because it is what our brain uses to function properly.
[5:25] Just avoid simple carbs and anything that’s white. So we’re talking about all the processed foods.
[6:19] Your thoughts lead to your feelings which lead to your actions.
[6:37] By telling yourself that you can’t or shouldn't eat a particular item, you can fall into a deprivation craving binging cycle followed by guilt.
[7:35] You should fear eliminating fat from your diet more than you should fear eating it. With that said, all fats are not created equal.
[8:06] Diets high in monounsaturated fats can help with weight-loss and may reduce risk factors for heart disease.
[8:59] Polyunsaturated fats sources include cold-water fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and seeds.
[9:17] Salmon is one of the best foods for your brain and your waistline. It’s a great source of protein and there’s also a rich source of Omega-3 fat.
[10:10] We need fats for healthy cell membranes, to make hormones, and to regulate inflammation and metabolism.
[11:09] Diet pills are at best, ineffective, and at worst, harmful for your health.
[11:24] Weight-loss surgeries including gastric bypass or gastric sleeve can be incredibly successful but not everybody is a good candidate.
[11:47] Unless prescribed or recommended by your doctor, don’t rely on diet pills or weight-loss surgery to lose weight quickly.
[12:04] Changing your thoughts can actually change how your brain communicates with the rest of your body.
[12:44] The obesity research community is becoming increasingly aware that the artificial sweeteners used in diet soda, aspartame, and sucralose, for instance, lead to hard to control food urges later in the day.
[13:14] Try weaning yourself off by switching to sparkling water and flavoring with lemon, cucumber, and fresh herbs. You could even drink chilled green tea which is an effective fat burner.
[13:34] Among the overweight and obese adults study, those who drank diet soda ate more calories than those who consumed sweetened or regular soda.
[14:12] Diet sodas raise the risk of diabetes more than sugar-sweetened sodas.
[15:52] The body uses and stores calories differently depending on the nutrients each food is comprised of.
[16:20] Protein also has a high thermogenic effect compared to fats and carbs. In turn, your body burns off a fair percentage of the meat’s calories during the digestion process and post-meal calorie burn spikes by as much as 35%.
[16:44] Getting too many of your calories from desserts can leave you hungry, fat, frustrated, and overweight.
[17:56] The composition of the food you eat is what matters.
[18:15] When it comes to health and fitness, motivation is nothing more than a word and it’s used both as an upper or as a downer.
[19:42] Those thoughts are always going to be there, it just comes down to how you manage them so that they don’t have power over you and wreck your weight-loss goals.
Seeing noticeable results could take time so just be patient with yourself.
“All calories are the same” is one of the biggest weight-loss myths or lies that we’ve been told.
The quality of your food matters more than quantity.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Monday Aug 17, 2020
20. Weight Loss Tips Every Dieter Needs to Know
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Have you ever tried to lose weight without having much success? It’s a common problem that a lot of people experience.
From stress and negative thoughts to trying fad diets in the market, we unknowingly make these mistakes that sabotage our weight loss goals. This may cause us to struggle and lose hope because we're not building sustainable habits that we can stick to.
So, in this episode, I will be tackling 4 weight loss tips every dieter needs to know. It’s going to be a jam-packed episode where I talk about the causes of failed weight loss attempts and the reasons behind it in the hopes that knowing these mistakes might help you in your weight loss journey.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [02:34] Most of us struggle with weight loss because of our mental chatter. Your thoughts drive your emotions and your emotions drive your behaviors. Your mind dictates your eating choices and your urge to overeat especially when you’re not hungry.
- [02:48] Most people have developed a mindset that sabotages their weight loss efforts. An average person has about 60,000 thoughts per day and 80% of those thoughts are negative thoughts.
- [03:25] When you attack yourself with negative self talk, it puts your body in a stress response which increases your cortisol and throws in your appetite which leads to weight gain.
- [03:40] When you talk negatively to yourself, you’re changing your body chemistry which makes it tougher for you to lose weight.
- [04:17] You have the power to heal your relationship with food so that you can help yourself lose weight. Your thoughts are a part of your illness and your wellness.
- [05:22] Everyone looks for a quick fix to lose weight, not knowing that these could have long term effects on your health like slowing down your metabolism.
- [05:50] Fad diets involve eliminating foods that contain necessary nutrients, minerals and phytochemicals that your body needs. Some diets even cut entire food groups.
- [06:50] All these fad diets have one thing in common: a temporary solution to what for many people is a lifelong problem. Once the diet is stopped the lost weight is usually regained quickly since none of the diets teach behavior modification which changes why or how you eat.
- [07:14] Focusing on sustainable healthy habits is the missing link to losing weight and to make healthy eating easier.
- [08:20] Inflammation occurs when your body activates your immune system to fight infection. It can also be caused by an unhealthy diet.
- [09:03] Inflammation that often accompanies obesity may cause the body to rev up the immune system response to any infection such as COVID-19.
- [10:10] Inflammation is at the root of most if not all diseases. If you’re struggling with your weight try adding in some anti-inflammatory foods to your diet like dark leafy greens.
- [10:24] Another thing that causes inflammation is chronic stress. Cortisol is a primary stress hormone that suppresses your digestive and immune systems and places your body in a fight or flight mode. This makes you more susceptible to sickness and places your body in a dangerous alarm state. Cortisol can increase appetite and make you store more abdominal fat.
- [11:05] Increased cortisol leads to chronic inflammation in your body; and stress is the cause of all inflammatory responses in our body. When we are stressed we increase inflammation and stress hormone production.
- [12:02] It’s important to love yourself and your body as you are now. Respect and honor it for what it has gone through.
- [13:48] Respect, love and appreciate your body right now so you can feel better about who you are.
- [14:04] There is no division between what you think and how your body performs. If you want to speed up your body transformation, you need to understand the mind-body connection.
- “Inflammation is at the root of most if not all diseases. So, if you’re struggling with your weight try adding in some anti-inflammatory foods.”
- “When you kick yourself when you’re down with negative self talk you’re only placing greater stress on yourself and making it harder to lose weight.
- “All these fad diets have one thing in common: a temporary solution to what for many people is a lifelong problem. Once the diet is stopped the lost weight is usually regained quickly since none of diets teach behavior modification which changes why or how you eat.”
Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode 18- COVD-19 And Obesity – How Much Does Obesity Affect Your Risk?
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Mental health issues shouldn’t be underestimated, feared, or ignored. No one should go through this battle alone. The Black Community has experienced stigma generation after generation. It’s present in the workplace, the community, and even in healthcare organizations.
Our guest this week is Martine Lopez who is a Mental Health Social Worker, Assistant Professor for Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, and currently working in an inpatient mental health unit at a hospital in the greater Toronto area. She has over 17 years of experience in the field of mental health. She recently expanded her social work practice by starting her own education and training business called The Renewell.
We discuss how people of color experience stigma, where it started, and how it is still timely. We also talk about tips on how you can overcome that stigma to keep your mind at ease. These could benefit you and your family during these times when being connected is more important than ever.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:
- [4:45] The root of mental health stigma among black people can be traced back to slavery days.
- [6:00] There is a lack of cultural sensitivity by health care professionals. Black people feel marginalized and tend to rely on their families, community, and spiritual support instead of seeking medical treatments.
- [7:44] It’s critical that workplaces and organizations are reminded that as black people. We are not a monolith. This does not mean that we do not experience collective grief, but our experiences vary.
- [9:28] The Black Community has gone through trauma that no other community has experienced, so we need to create and develop a system with widespread access to mental health resources.
- [11:00] There is still a perpetuation of misconceptions about mental health, and bringing that education and awareness to our community is the first step.
- [11:48] Education can take place on a micro-level as well as a macro-level.
- [12:13] We need to become more aware of our attitudes and beliefs towards the Black Community to reduce those implicit biases and those negative assumptions that we often go to.
- [13:31] The world that we live in right now is very different from the world that we were raised in years and years ago. Children face a lot more pressure now these days than ever before.
- [18:10] What I’ve been doing with my children specifically, is helping them to see things differently because the world is different, so we have to think of it differently, we have to perceive it in a different way.
- [18:22] Something that is a concept that is rooted in mindfulness is the gratitude practice.
- [18:49] Changing that perspective by kind of seeing the glass full rather than kind of half-empty, I find it helps build that resilience to stress.
- [19:05] Something that has also been quite helpful for my children is sticking to a routine. Though their routine is different now than it was pre-COVID, we all thrive off of routines even adults as well.
- [20:04] When we feed our minds healthy things, the output will be the same.
- [20:30] Motivation comes from actualization.
- [21:10] One thing that I think is a preventative measure that, as parents, we can instill in our children is limiting the amount of news intake.
- [24:00] A part of meeting their emotional needs also means creating a safe place for them to express and share how they feel right now.
- [25:45] Music is a great tool in terms of therapy.
- [25:58] Music can also induce negative feelings depending on where you are.
Links mentioned in this episode: